Summer TransitionRising Kindergarten          Thanks continue to have a safe and wonderful Summer.  

PRE K 2023 STP FLYER.pdf
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The Summer Transition Program is a six week intensive academic program for rising kindergarteners who meet the following criteria:

  • Child must be age eligible to attend Kindergarten in the upcoming school year (2021); five years old on or before September 1, 2018.
  • Child’s family must meet the income eligibility requirement; 85% of the state median income.
  • Child did not attend a Georgia’s Pre-K Program or Head Start program during the 2022-2023 school year OR
  • Child attended a Georgia’s Pre-K or Head Start program but did not attend the entire school year OR
  • Child attended a Georgia’s Pre-K or Head Start program the entire year but has been identified as needing additional academic support before entering Kindergarten (i.e. teacher recommendation, WSO data)
  • OR A child must be part of one of the following PRIORITY GROUPS:
    • Dual Language Learner (home language is a language other than English)
    • Foster Care placement
    • Child’s family is without permanent housing (homeless as defined by McKinney- Vento Homeless Assistance Act)
    • Child with an Individual Education Program (IEP)

The program will operate during June, 2023 - July, 2023 offering high-quality instruction with a focus on language, literacy and math. The experience is designed to reduce the achievement gap by providing additional family support and resources to targeted high needs populations.

Jonesboro, GA 30236

Phone (770) 892-0160


A Full Service Child Care Provider, promoting a safe, quality and educating environment where your child can learn and grow. And a caring professional staff at your service.


Monday thru Friday 

6:00am - 6:00pm

Click hereImage and video hosting by TinyPic to pay tuition online.
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© Rhonda Davis